First Wallen Grandchild! Announcing Celeste Lynn Diaz!
The long awaited day arrived on July 20th, 2008. Katie and Roberto entered the hospital at 3:00 am. and Celeste was born a mere 18 hours later. She weighed 7 lbs. 8 oz. and is 20.5 inches in length. Beautiful? See for yourself!!

Celeste looking lovingly at her mother.
Daddy is in love, again!
How lovely that baby in the window!
The one with the beautiful eyes!

Eyes wide open.

First Diaper Change
The feelings are mutual, I am sure.
Roberto with his parents, Fernando and Celeste Diaz.

The two grandmothers, Lynn and Celeste.

Grandfather and Grandmother Wallen are blessed.
Doctor Dad!
Grandmother Lynn

Grandfather Tom

Parents working while grandparents hold Celeste.
Happy Family
Many happy Wallens

God's Richest Blessings on your family!