Christmas Newsletter 2020

Glory to God in the Highest, And on earth peace, goodwill towards men." Luke 2:14 Dear Friends and Family, Greetings from our family to yours! God is so good to bring us to this season again when we celebrate Jesus’ birth and the culmination of a year full of His blessings. The above photo is from last Christmas, the last time we were all together. Everyone is sporting flannel shirts with their names imprinted on them, something we thought would be fun for our future lake house gatherings. Below this letter are photos of our lake house progress so far. Tom has designed a beautiful, and comfortable house and is spending a lot of time in Alpena checking on its construction. He put me in charge of picking out tile, faucets, and light fixtures. Who knew there are at least 10,000 choices of kitchen lights! When not inspecting the new house, Tom has remained busy with work. However, his traveling has decreased this year. ...