Christmas Newsletter

"For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him." John 3:17 Tom Where do I start? There most likely is not a person reading this letter that is more blessed than I am. My family continues to grow in number (two new grandchildren) and stature. I am too young to have four grandchildren!! Especially with a six-year-old daughter and a wife that looks 30!! I have complained for many years about my gray hair but would now be grateful for a head FULL of gray hair. Reflecting back over the past year is daunting. I thought these years of my life would provide some quieter times and more time to be with Lynn. Well, I was wrong. As you will read in this newsletter, we continue to develop new passions, hobbies, jobs, and adventures. We share experiences that make us laugh and some that make us cry, but all make us grow in our dependence on our Lord and in thank...