Day 8

Today, most of our group members are returning home, so we had a short day.  Tom and I are continuing on to visit Jordan with 20 others, so we leave Jerusalem tomorrow.  

We first visited the site where Samson and his parents lived.  Can't remember the name of it.  We then visited the valley where David slew Goliath.  In the first photo below, the Israelites were camped on the opposite side of the valley and the Philistines on the opposite side.  There is a dry brook in the valley, probably from which David picked out the stones for his slingshot.

We then returned to Jerusalem and visited the Western Wall.  Ladies on one side, men on the other.  Men had to have their heads covered.  Ladies had to have their shoulders and knees covered.

Tomorrow morning, we leave for Jordan and will visit Petra, named one of the new seven wonders of the world.  

The valley where David slew Goliath

Remnant of an old Roman road, visible along the side of the highway

The valleys of Israel are amazingly fertile and in high production.

Olive orchard

City street in old Jerusalem

A remnant of an old city wall, now in the middle of the hustle and bustle of Jerusalem

Gathering at the Western Wall

The ladies' side

The men's side

Police gather at the Western Wall on Sabbath evenings just in case there is trouble

More of the outside walls of Jerusalem

What can I say?  Tom is an architect!

Spices in the market

More architecture of the City


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