Christmas Newsletter 2024

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 Merry Christmas, friends and family! We are grateful for another wonderful year. I broke my ankle at the beginning of the year, but it healed well. Just slowed me down a bit. In April, a friend and I made a mission trip to a hospital/school/orphanage in Balfate, Honduras. We carried in a large amount of baby clothes and equipment for the hospital to use. It is always rewarding to bless people in the name of God. I continue to weave both cloth items and baskets. It keeps me busy. We have been getting our house in Nashville ready to sell and will put it on the market in March. Tom and I made a couple trips to Florida to visit Katie and Roberto and the kids. In October, we returned to the Upper Peninsula for a few days. We thoroughly enjoyed touri...